Qiang Zhang [1]
[1] David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles
Correspondance: QiangZhang@mednet.ucla.edu
is she dying? Is she,
going to die?
her words laced with a depth more profound than death,
i could not soothe -
both our hearts.
“but I saw her move”,
she said, pleadingly,
“i held her hand, and i felt,
her tighten her hand around mine,
it was real. it was real.”
i wonder if God exists. in this hospital bed,
surrounding these white walls, God in the dim light of day,
in the IVs,
the ventilator,
in the swimming sea of us - lost.
i sit with her. she plays me a song that,
she danced to at her wedding;
i sing it with her -
again, and again, we both drown together.