Addressing Pervasive Homophobia in Medical Education

Michael H. O’Brien
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville

Gun Violence is Every Doctors’ Lane: Ways Healthcare Providers Can Protect Public Health

Alexander Pomerantz
Harvard Medical School Boston, Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge

Tiana Walker
University of Virginia School of Medicine

Raquel Atencio [1] and Matthew Deblinger [2]
1 - Florida State University College of Medicine
2 - Aballi Milne Kalil

What’s in the Cauldron: Witches, Folk Remedies, and their Contributions to Modern Medicine

Mason Tate Bennett
Trinity School of Medicine

The Danger of Genetic Risk Scores for Worsening Race-Based Disparities in Healthcare

Sohail Zahid
Harvard Medical School

Reducing Childhood Respiratory Infections through Interventions in Indoor Household Air Pollution in Rural Underdeveloped Countries

Lisle Blackbourn and Erin Walton-Ball
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Too Loose, Too Tight, But Never Just Right: Adhesions, Aspirations, and Atelectasis

Layla Siraj
Harvard Medical School

Advancing Preclinical Medical Education through High Fidelity Simulation and Standardized Patient Families

Benjamin W. Cooper [1], Nicholas A. Jaeger [1], Maureen A. Hirthler [1], and Cathy J. King [2]
1 - Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2 - State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota