With health care systems around the world reeling under the weight of COVID-19, medical students have been caught in the crossfire at various stages in their training. On one end, some have been sent home by their schools to continue learning online; on the other, some are graduating early and joining the physician workforce at the frontlines.
Student Voices of COVID-19 is a project we created to collect reflections, experiences, and commentary from medical students during this extraordinary time. Submission types include: personal vignettes/reflections, opinions/commentary, poetry, artwork, and student group highlights.
All submissions will be evaluated in a blinded peer-review process for potential publication in HMSR. We hope to share pieces on Facebook @HMSReview , Instagram @hmsreview, and Twitter @hmsreview as they come in and eventually release a special full-length issue. For more information on how to submit, please refer to hmsreview.org/covid. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at hmsr.editor@gmail.com.
We look forward to your submissions, and stay safe!